Wednesday, August 17, 2011


It was the first day at his new school . The closer he came the more his anxiety level began to SWELL!

I hope my son will see the humor in this post as he gets ready for the intermediate school!


Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

What an effective illustration! Great composition, color and DRAMA!

Linda Hensley said...

Nice job and good luck to your son!

Caroline said...

Lovely illustration - very evocative!

Barbara England said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVED the article about you, son and home in La Vie Claire (what a loss with that magazine gone...) and today I stumbled by your delightful blog (via Blueberry Heart. Your illustrations are so charming and beautiful. Can you please tell me what IF stands for? I have seen it several times today. Sign me on as a big fan.